Sport Psychology

Appointments & Voicemail 281-435-4788

Dr. Idette Rumann is Board Licensed by the state of Texas as a Marriage and Family Therapist and Licensed Professional Counselor with more than 20 years experience in brief, solution oriented mind-body psychotherapy. She is currently director of Behavioral Health Services for Personal Growth Associates. She is an approved provider for professional continuing education credits for many state boards including Physical therapists, Social Workers, Psychologists, Nurses, Teachers and regularly presents on such topics as, Tame your thoughts to heal your body, Enhancing your Brain power, Psychoneuroimmunology, Self esteem enhancement, Dancing the Work and Family Tightrope, Overcoming procrastination, Current discoveries regarding human motivation, and dealing with difficult people.

Appointments & Voicemail 281-435-4788

Sport Psychology at Third Coast Training

Idette obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology at Texas A&M University, her Master’s Degree from the University of Houston at Clear Lake, and her Doctor of Philosophy degree in Clinical Psychology from North Central University. She certified by the National Board for Certified Clinical Hypnotherapists and a Clinical Member of the prestigious American Psychological Association and the American Association of Marriage and Family Therapy.

Therapeutic Philosophy

Are you tired of having the same set of issues and problems occur over and over in your life? Are you ready for change? Is your stress taking a toll on your health? The most effective approach to moving your life forward in a meaningful, more connected way is to strengthen your feelings of competence & self-worth. People successfully achieve this by clearly identifying and then increasing those things that make your life richer, more comfortable and secure, while simultaneously eliminating barriers, such as self-denigration, addictive behavior, impulses and inner stress.

The first step to having the life you want is imagining it. Then, it takes changing how you look at problems to solve them. My patient’s find a place to step outside their problems, weigh their options, take a realistic but hopeful look at how they fit into their world and plan to create the future they want. Resolve today to take steps to learn to prevent the difficulties of the past and present from being carried into the future. I base my work with people I see on the principles of Cognitive Behavior Therapy combined with biofeedback therapy.

This approach has been shown to be very successful in treating anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress, pain, phobias and many other individual and relationship issues. Like most experienced therapists, I also integrate ideas from other approaches whenever appropriate.

— Dr. Idette Rumann

 Appointments & Voicemail 281-435-4788